Thursday, September 29, 2011

Painted fence

This week we prepare our house and our garden for the Wedding! Alesia's son will marry on Saturday. It's a great day! Then I and Masha decided to paint our fence. We did it in our abstract, free style :-))
I don't know...May be you will like it or not...But we tried as best we could!
Masha has her painting "Blue tulips" and we use this motive in our work.

We used instrument with sandpaper at first.

Masha at work...) Actually it was really nice, I like such activity.


Our gate ) I think it's cheerful !

 I hope guests will rate our work...Why people do not make multi-colored fence? It's much more cheerful...)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Summer "Good habits camp" for children

     If you’re interested in children education, worry about morality, want to teach children ecology and healthy way of life and so on….If you want to teach kids good way of life….Then there is a great idea to open camp (summer, winter, autumn and spring). And there you can set your rules, good and right rules! You as Director show good example and….I think you know – all depends on the head!
In yellow T-shirt (behind Sasha) - Vladimir ( The Director of this camp).
     And we ( I, Alesia and Masha) were in such camp. Vladimir ( The Director) can’t get over the fact that all the smoke around, drink, say terrible words and do nothing…  And he decided to open “Good Habits Camp”. Vladimir and his crew show children healthy, active and interesting way of life.  This camp is not large (maybe 30 kids). All depends on money…It’s not easy. But it’s a great pleasure and profit for these 30 kids!
Sasha Ismailov likes it very much. And also it’s good for him to have normal social contacts. This camp placed near Moscow. But we could wish to see not only one but a great number such places))  Ordinary educators in camps look after physical conditions but not moral and creative ones.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Patronage of orphans

Sometimes miracles happen… I  think so when I remember one boy, Sasha Ismailov. Alesia met him in Adygea, the republic of Russia, in 2010. This was orphanage.  Sasha immediately impressed Alesia. He was 14 years old. He grown up in terrible conditions, but he wrote kind, sensible poems and tales. Sasha opened himself in fairy tales which he wrote in Alesia’s project “Fairy tale therapy”. Alesia and Sasha became friends. After Alesia came back from Adygea they continued communication and… He comes  to us in January 2011. It was amazing holidays for him! He was nowhere except for his small town… Alesia prepared a great interesting program for all 10 days. We showed him our way of life, shared our thoughts. He knew only one way of life… not good… But we try to give him a chance for better life. He’s already adult (15 years old), we can’t change him, but we can help him to do the right choice.
Sasha visited us again this summer. We talked about everything; he’s so clever and smart! Also he was in summer camp for 3 week. It was very interesting, I talk about it later.. ))
Alesia and Sasha. Summer 2011, Moscow
It’s a great idea to help such teenagers! They have no support from parents. We are not parents but we could become real good friends for them!  They just start their life and we could help them  don’t do silly mistakes.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

About hobby...

"We can do more than imagine, we can create."
 Any action suppose two steps: imagination and creation. One of these can't be without another one... A lot of people can only imagine ( it's already great! ) but human beings are created in order to create. And through this creative process we open our inner skills and talents, it gives sense to our life. If we have sense we are not empty. The Sense gives us Happiness. And we are created to be happy!
I will  show you the beautiful talents of my friends. I hope you will share their happiness with them. Maybe it will inspire you to do something in your way! ;-))
Painted Glass Bowl 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I caught the idea....

Today we were in the park. Actually, this is Sukhanovo estate, an architectural ensemble of the late 18th-early 19th centuries. But nowadays …just wild park. And there is a Spring with pure (…I hope…) water.

There we meet one interesting person. Old man with an armful of leaves. He swept ground near the spring. Also he asked us to put something into the bird feeder. This man gave me Good Ideas!
  1. We can always have a package with bread or cereals in our bag to feed up animals.
  2. We can put everything in order, take away garbage everywhere we are (town, forest and so on) 

Bird feeder

What Silence Says

 This short tale is for Dima. 

So...Dima special. Of course everybody are special in their way, you say...But he is very kind, soft, sensible, reasonable and calm. Yes, he knows what Silence Says...

 What Silence Says

A teacher let his pupils out to play at break time and went off to eat his lunch. Everyone ran out the school. Danny was the last boy to go out, but someone had locked the door. 
When the students came back to school, Danny was sitting in his seat.
“Why didn’t you climb out the window?” one of the students asked. 
“I didn’t want to – I was listening to the silence,” Danny replied.
“And did you hear much?” someone giggled.
“I listened to the specks of dust rustling as they brushed against the sunbeams. Our tables creaked from tiredness, and whispered sadly.”

“Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing”

Sometimes some people say "I can't....this is not for me..." or " I can't change my life! There is no escape from my situation..." 
 People like fleas in a jar... But you can change everything if you're still alive!

“Escape the circus and live beyond the limits of the imaginary lid” 

Monday, September 19, 2011

To reach for the Stars...

           Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.         Harriet Tubman


This wonderful photo was made by Alex Cherney. It's so strange and unbelievable but...this is The Milky Way!  The star arcs represent 100 minutes of Earth rotation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fragment from "The Most Important Things" in Polish


      Niebo ciemniało i ponad lasem można było dostrzec pierwsze gwiazdy. Zanim Rudogrzbietka znalazła sobie miejsce do przycupnięcia, słońce zniknęło za jeziorem, a niebo wypełniło się ognistym pomarańczowym kolorem. Jaśniał on na powierzchni wody i odbijany tu i tam od drobnych fali utworzył ścieżkę prosto do myszki, która patrzyła zdumiona.

- Nigdy nie widziałam nic piękniejszego - pomyślała Rudogrzbietka. - Nigdy w lesie nie było takiego nieba jak tu. Przypomina drogę światła biegnąca wprost do nieba. To jezioro jest pełne magii.
- Cześć - powiedziało pomarańczowe światło.
Rudogrzbietka otworzyła ze zdziwienia oczy i ten sam jasny kolor zajaśniał w nich.
- Witaj i żegnaj - odezwał się znów głos. - Promyk słońca prosił, aby powiedzieć ci ‘Cześć’.
- Wiedziałam - stwierdziła Rudogrzbietka. - Zaraz po tym, jak cię zobaczyłam płomyku wiedziałam, że musisz być przyjacielem słonecznego promienia. Powiedz mi jednak, dlaczego twój kolor sprawia, iż czuję się wewnątrz odrobinę smutna  i troszkę przestraszona ?

- Jestem zachodem słońca, mała myszko, a zachód słońca jest wtedy, gdy słońce mówi ‘do widzenia’. Mówienie „żegnaj” jest zawsze trochę smutne. Za każdym razem dziwisz się, gdy widzisz ponownie swoich przyjaciół. Słońce jednak zawsze wraca.
- Rozumiem -  kiwnęła głową myszka. - Jest smutno, gdyż kończy się dzień i ten dzień nigdy już nie wróci, ale jest też radośnie, ponieważ zawsze nadchodzi kolejny nowy dzień.
- Jesteś bardzo mądra, mała myszko. A jest tak, bo uczysz się od słonecznego promienia. Niektórzy myślą, że jutro nie nadejdzie nigdy. Oni są niemądrzy i jest mi ich żal. Boją się, iż to będzie ich ostatni dzień.
- Ja też jestem niemądra, ponieważ to mnie przeraża. Być może ten dzień będzie moim ostatnim ?
- Jak coś, co nie ma końca, może się skończyć, mała myszko ? Sądzisz, że światło i miłość mają swój koniec ? Wszystkie żywe stworzenia żyją dzięki słońcu – jak mogłoby ono pozostawić ich w ciemności ?
- Słońce może rozzłościć się, bo nikt nie chce dowiedzieć się o świetle i może wtedy nie przyjść.
- Światło nigdy nie złości się, mała myszko. Światło może jedynie świecić, o czym dobrze wiesz. Nie obawiaj się. Przed tobą jest nieskończenie wiele początków i końców.

Gdy zachód słońca zabłysnął ostatni raz na niebie i ogrzał serce Rudogrzbietki, nastała ciemność.
Myszka uzbierała trochę liści i wróciła do jaskini. Szybko zasnęła w nowym domu, ale zdążyła jeszcze powiedzieć perle „Śpij słodko, mój mały skarbie i o nic się nie martw. Jutro wstanie nowy dzień.”     

                                                           Fragment from the translation of "The Most Important Things"    

Fairy tale therapy in Spain. (Seminar)

Last year in Spain was held seminar "Fairy tale therapy as a method of creative development of children"
I publish the article about this event wrote by Valentina Mironova, a teacher of Russian language and literature of the Association of Russian culture name F.Dostoevsky
This article in Spanish. Fotos de Natalia Saiápina

       "Alesia produced a very interesting seminar in game form, where parents and children were not only students but also direct participants. And it is not surprising, as it is very important for Alesia is co-creation of children, parents and teachers." 

     It was very interesting! Seminar was held in Russian. Some of kids know russian good, but some of kids a little. And there were also parents and different teachers....But seminar should be interesting for everybody! 
It's not easy...))) But Alesia did it very well. 

Book Presentation

 Now I want tell you about book presentation for children. Alesia and Masha write books  for children. So… presentation also should be for them! I think it’s reasonable )) And little readers discuss different themes from books, asking a questions, tell their opinion, play games and so on. And also read their favorite poems from these books. I think it’s really interesting because children should study to have their free opinion and they should feel that it is significant and interesting for adults.

Also Masha sing a songs and we show a few paintings. Then the event is becoming more diverse and interesting. Presentations are held in book stores, schools, libraries. 

Another book presentation will soon be held in Veliky Novgorod  (08.10.2011). Our friends Zhenja and Gordon helped us organize this event! We thank them ! ))

Boy is reading a poem

Regina Brett's 45 life lessons and 5 to grow on

Regina Brett 
Originally published in The Plain Dealer on Sunday, May 28, 2006
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.

18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

33. Believe in miracles.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Book Fair in Moscow

It was book fair in Moscow in September 2010. Alesia and Masha presents their books are published by Russian publishing trust “Amrita-Rus”.

It was my first time when I was in such place. A great number of people read, buy books, sell books, advertise ones and….I understood there – Publishing is a really great business. And nobody thinks about clever and deep literature, the most of publishers think only about their business, about easy books which could be sold very quickly… Hmm-mm
But we need people who can work for the Idea :-))

Fairy Tale Therapy.

Studies was in the library
  What can do author of fairy tales in the orphanage ? Of course to help children dream and write different fairy tales! Alesia worked with children of the one moscow orphanage from Oktober 2010 to May 2011. I know for someone fairy tale therapy sounds not so seriously. But they are wrong. 
   Fairy tale therapy is a unique method of psychological, moral and spiritual support for children. Such therapy considers fairy tales as a way of character education, as opportunity for discussion and solution of psychological and social problem of any person, as a way to develop positive and socially active thinking. Fairy tale therapy helps children understand themselves, and thus creates a sense of psychological security and allows children to develop their inner creative abilities and vital resources.

The Blog for Stronger Men: Pay it Forward

The Blog for Stronger Men: Pay it Forward: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” -Mother Teresa After watching the movie of the same name (don't know whether to...

The Blog for Stronger Men: Make Someone Laugh

The Blog for Stronger Men: Make Someone Laugh: "I'm a people's person. To see happy people makes me happy" -David E Mercer Most of the time, people are bored out of their minds. Someti...

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Land of Giants™ The pylon-figures in Iceland.

It's impressed me very much!!!! I think you too....! 
Electrical pylons became the statues and a wonderful example of technical art. 
I respect this design studio for their amazing project! Because I think that it's important for the people to make not only "useful" things but also artistic, creative and good-looking! We all need a pleasure for our eyes. ))
I hope you will agree with me! 

Beautiful portraits of children with Down syndrom

"To argue that people with Down syndrome - the Angels, I would not like. But watching them, I dare to assume that after the Angels - they are as follows." Vladimir Mishukhov, russian photographer.
This is wonderful project named "Very close ones".  
Vladimir made beautiful portraits of children with Down syndrom. 
I think it's very good for the our society! People should see the beauty in such persons! And such wonderful photos are the great help in that. 
I think such exhibitions make our society more humanistic!

My project " Open yourself " for the orphans.

Children impressed by their photo albums )
I started this project with one russian charity. We want to help orphans open theirselves. I showed kids their beauty and  unique personality. Many orphans react to pictures of themselves with surprise and delight because they have never seen such a thing before. We try to make every child feel that he is the center of attention, that he himself is someone important, someone needed, someone beautiful and capable of laughter. These children need to believe that their future will be better than their present. We always tell them, “You do have a chance. You can do anything because you are the best!”

Masha is working on her second disc

Masha and Pasha are working on the melody of the song
Two years ago Masha with our friends produced her first album "Songs for the Soul". This disc contents 22 songs about mother's love, beauty of nature, angels, life of a soul. Music and poetry authored by Masha.
She expressed herself in these songs! They are so touching, so sincere! Masha's songs make people cry. I think because these songs call to the deep part of our nature, to our childhood memories.

Pasha is writing notes for the masha's melody

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Room in soft pink color.

  Dear friends! I’m again write about Masha’s paintings because I like them very much ) And I share with you interior photos. It’s very good example how artworks make the interior reacher, more interesting and special.
  These paintings are the central part of this interior and they make atmosphere, they join all details together. The basic colors here are soft pink and white.
   I think everybody heard about chromotherapy (color therapy) and you know that our mood sometimes depends on colours around us. And color Pink is the color of universal love. Emotional love of self and others, friendship, affection, harmony, and inner peace. Pink encourages you to be kind, gentle, compassionate and approachable. If you are in want of these things then you should have soft pink around you. And paintings with soft pink and white will help you.
   Actually this is my room ))) I feel here quietness, immunity and optimism. It’s easy for me to concentrate and think in this room. 
   Pink has always been thought of as a traditionally feminine color, but the truth is that pink can actually be very versatile. And my room is not the one for a princess )))

"Winter flower" (left) and "Triptych with red tulips".

"Triptych with red tulips"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Masha's artworks in interior.

Some time ago we start to sell Masha's artworks, not only originals but also copies and posters. And I want to show you photos ( I mean what is like...))))  I feel that artwork make any interior reacher and more interesting. Painting is like a window, it widen apartment's space. It's like a medicine for our soul and mind. And everybody should find his own...

Artwork "Winter tree"

Artworks "Penetration" and "Two Birds"
See all Masha's artworks

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Luminous textile from Eindhoven, Netherlands

Whatever you say, but everything inside you should be beautiful and all around you should be the same! Or I said in another way, if you have harmony inside you then you should have harmony and beauty around you (include your home ). That’s why I paid great attention to design and interior. Maybe for someone it sounds funny, but…for me it’s important. My thoughts are more pure, clear and creative if I have beauty around me! 

Also I like all this interior very much!
It's like miracle...)))

Funny hand made

Our dear Masha is the painter, I think, you know that. But as creative person she sometimes do artworks not only on canvas but on furniture and flowerpots! It’s really funny to make hand made things and also they have absolutely unique energy. Hand made artworks through their colors, style, materials open to us inner essence of the creator! Show me what you do and I said you who are you! ;-)) 

It was old wood table...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Our angels"

This short tale we devote to our dear friend Anna, Alesia's sister! She is wonderful, active and creative business woman. She's strong. But even if we are strong sometimes we need help. where...? from above! Our angels help us even if we don't noticed it...

"Our angels"

“It's a hard life. I try find out how to live a satisfying and great life despite the fact that life is hard. It's a long hard fight,” thought one man.
He has had a hard time it and cried in despair:
“Where are you, my angel? Help me!”
Angel flew down to him and filled his heart with love.
“O welcome, my Angel, white-handed hope,” said the man. "I am overjoyed to see you, but why you haven’t been here when I lost my way in the darkness."
“You couldn’t see me in the darkness but you felt my breath in the gentle breeze. You heard my whisper amongst the rustle of leaves. You were kissed by my lone snowflake. I was always around you, all the time, in the very air you breathe,” responded the angel.
“Then why you don’t take away my darkness?” asked the man.
“I live forever in your heart and lead you through the darkness,” replied the angel.

Have you ever feel angel near you? 
Maybe you saw him in a dream? Or angel helped you in a situation?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Response about "The World of Fruits"

   I have a young daughter who my wife and I do our best with when it comes to making healthy food choices for her. There are a lot of unhealthy choices out there and even more bad influences teaching our children poor nutritional habits. There aren't enough positive resources available to help parents educate their children about how to make healthy food choices and why they should! To find a book like this one feels like a MIRACLE! This book brilliantly introduces fruits in fairy-tale like stories that holds my daughters attention the entire time (mine too!) And at the same time the author is giving my child an education on healthy eating through these entertaining stories, games and recipes. A highly recommended resource that every parent should have for raising children in today's unhealthy society.
Tim Tierney Author, "The Personal Training Sales Education Textbook"

Monday, September 5, 2011

About bikes

Today after jogging I’ve thought about Russian conditions for living…. Why there no bicycle tracks here? Anywhere I tried to jogging or ride on bike – I felt myself annoyed and sadly…. There are dogs or cars. It’s scared to hear grinding of dog’s paws and bark behind me! There are no conditions for a riding on bike… Bad roads filled with cars, high borders and angry drivers ! Drivers can stop their car for a few minutes and tell you a great heap of terrible words about “who you are..” and “where you should go…” ! Unfortunately a great number of Russian people think that bike is for fun, kids and sportsmen. I wonder who buy bikes here and what for?
I saw absolutely different situation in Holland. Everybody use bikes, from birth till death…It’s not a joke! It was amazing and unbelievable for me! Beautiful tracks with special traffic lights for bikes. I like it very much! And it’s so healthy and good for environment. I think this example with bikes only a little part of a not good social situation in Russia. But sometimes I think only I am disturbed by wild dogs, terrible roads, absence of bike tracks and state’s system “not for human”.  I calm down myself with thought : “Someday I will visit Holland again and can feel fresh air, look at clean forests and will ride on bike in any time and anywhere! 

Amsterdam. 2011. red track for bikes.

Birds in our house ))

Yesterday we had a happening in our house. A little bird struck the window. Alesia picked up this little creature in her hands and waited until he felt himself better and after that he flew away. But we made photoset)) It’s interesting because last year was the same story. Birds like our house ;-)) Maybe they feel something attractive and tempting in atmosphere near our house and garden? Black swift was visiting us last year. And Alesia like a mother-bird fed him with larvae of ants!

Unfortunately we don't know the species of this bird..

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"The Adventure of Little Drop of Water" ( illustrations)

A few week ago we got very interesting letter from lady Karina ( Kharkiv, Ukraine). She made design and illustrations for the first section of Alesia & Masha's book "Environmental education of preschool children".
It was her diploma work in Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Book with illustrations was named "The Adventure of Little Drop of Water". Karina's work received the highest raiting examiner. Illustrations were made in technique Quilling 
We are so glad that Karina chose exactly this book ;-)) You can see below a few pages with these wonderful illustrations: 

"It's never late to learn"

This new short tale I want to devote to my dear mom! Her name is Galina. She’s 46 and she’s student ))) She is studying state and municipal administration. It’s not ordinary for our country to be the student in that age. But why not ? It’s never late to learn. I’m very proud of her. She makes her world wider, she improves her skills, she meet new people. It doesn’t important how old you are! Nowadays I think we should leave our prejudices in past. They hinder us to live. And this is scientific fact your brain will stay healthy if you use it actively. You will stay young and many diseases you don't touch if you will study! ;-))

 It's never late to learn.

When a new pupil arrived in the music class, all the children burst out laughing.

“You’re in the wrong place, granddad!” someone shouted.

“Quiet, children. Meet Mr Boo – I used to teach his children. They grew up a long time ago. Now Mr Boo no longer has to work, and he wants to learn the flute himself,” the teacher explained.

“Can old people really learn?” the children asked in surprise.

It’s never too late to learn,” the teacher replied.

Art exhibition and music improvisation.

This art performance took place in The Central library hall (town Vidnoe, near Moscow), in the March 2010. Our friend and young composer Tatiana Shatkovskaya with her student Marijka  played their improvisation on piano inspired Masha’s paintings. It was really wonderful and amaizing! Marijka and Tatiana showed us in their compositions mood of different Masha’s paintings, they put artwork’s spirit into unique music. Also Masha answered guests’ questions about her artworks and told about conception of her work. Tatiana Shatkovskaya is a daughter of music educator Gregory Shatkovsky. He created the unique new teaching method for children and adults. He told that everybody can play, music is language and if you can speak – you also can play.

Alesia is talking with Tatiana and Marijka.