Thursday, June 14, 2012

Miracles happen every day

Dear friend,
I would like to share with you all my miracles. Some of them are funny and pleasant some of them are sad and even anxious, and all of them are mysterious. I believe that miracles happen every day. They really do.
Old apple trees are growing around my house. Their branches pop in our windows and hang over our balcony.
It's wonderful to live together with apple trees and look how they are changed everyday. One month ago they were wearing snow-white fluffy dresses, later they got soft green dress with small apple buttons. Yesterday the apple buttons were green and today they got red and crimson glows. Very soon they are going to be sweat and juicy apples. And fairytales will be hidden in every single apple.

First apple story

Once there was a princess named Pomella who was very different from all other princesses.  Every day from morn until eve she toiled away in an orchard near the palace – her very own apple kingdom.  Every autumn at her command heaped baskets full of the ripe fruit were carried through the gates and shared far and wide throughout the lands of her father the king.  But the king was not happy.
“Should a king’s daughter be working in an orchard?” he asked.
“But, Daddy,” she replied, “my dream is to grow a new kind of apple tree.  One that isn’t afraid of the freezing cold or a summer without rain.”
“Ugh,” said the king, a frown on his face “Why are you filling your pretty head with such horrible things?  Much nicer to dream about sweets from the palace table.”
Everyone knew the king loved to eat.  Every day there was a sumptuous feast.  The enormous cakes, pies and candied dishes rolled out of the palace kitchen barely fit on the tables.  The king and his guests would eat so much that their stomachs hurt, and most days they had a hard time getting to sleep.  But the next day that was all forgotten, and the cooks were ordered to prepare another mountain of delicious sweets.
 The king grew fatter and fatter, his middle bulging out like a barrel.  It took four servants to lift him out of bed in the morning.  Doctors were summoned from all over the kingdom to examine the royal patient.  Fat, they said, nodding to each other wisely, fat in the heart and liver. They prescribed the strongest medicines they could think of, but the medicines only made the king itch.  Meanwhile the queen’s blood pressure was rising, and one after another the ministers took to their beds.  All of them were suffering from a lack of vitamins, for it had been years since anyone at court had eaten fruit or vegetables.
Soon there was no one left to run the kingdom, and the young princess put her foot down.